Professional Membership
We offer Professional Membership to those who in the course of their current duties work, directly or indirectly, to create a balance for the offender and community in the rehabilitation process. Professional Members include Probation and Parole Officers, Surveillance Officers, Deputy Chiefs and Chiefs, or the equivalent of any of these, and those above Chiefs working in the Central or Regional Offices. Professional Members are entitled to all of the privileges and benefits set forth in the By-Laws, including the rights to vote and run for office.
Associate Membership
Associate Membership is extended to those who are engaged in the correction and rehabilitation of adult offenders, especially judges, law enforcement officers, attorney’s for the Commonwealth and their assistants, members of the bar, and others holding a professional concern and interest in the future course of criminal justice in Virginia. Associates share fully in publications, training, and activities, and have the privilege of the floor, but are not entitled to vote or run for office.
Retired Membership
Retired Membership is extended to Professional Members upon their retirement. Upon payment of dues, membership extends for a lifetime and the benefits and privileges granted are equivalent to those extended to Professional Members.
Membership Form
VPPA Membership Application and Payroll Deduction Form